Speed and Good Customer Service

The smart gantry can be controlled by your EPOS system..

All the tobacco range price and categories you sell are stored here as part of your stock control so there is no need to search the gantry to provide a price for a customer and no need to do any additional product programming.

To dispense the right product…..

Simply press the button for the tobacco range, select the right product and instantly the right cigarette packet or RYO tobacco is dispensed and the sale rung up on the till. Nothing comes out of the smart gantry unless the EPOS system has ordered it and recorded it as a sale. It is simple and easy to operate and very easy to train new staff. Staff do not spend time with their backs turned searching for product but remain engaged with their customer.

Filling the smart gantry is easy. The key holder can open the doors anytime without breaking any merchandise laws in England or Scotland. Each chute is numbered and can have bar codes or other brand identifiers in large print. Re stocking is quick and easy and all stock is rotated so there are no stale out of date packs to worry about.

Once locked the tobacco stock is safe and secure. Additional products can be locked away in the steel base drawer units if required.

We are linked to the EPOS companies listed with more being added regularly.

For EPOS systems where we don't currently integrate with, we offer our own Touch Vend system.



Your cigarettes will be protected in a steel cabinet fixed to the wall behind steel doors secured by high grade grade locks. If the owner or manager is the only key holder no cigarettes or tobacco can be removed unless rung through the till so your shrinkage problems stop right there.

Robberies are prevented, burglars are deterred as all your stock is securely locked up


Additional space

Traditional gantries are now far to big for the range. Our Smart Gantry systems are matched to your tobacco sales so they are only as big as they need to be and generally are much more space efficient than existing systems. The slat-board door fronts allow either new products to be merchandised, ie vape and e cigarettes, or can be used for the pharmacy and small electrical products to be moved and free up more full depth shelf space either side for extra spirits and alcohol. Generally one of our systems free up to around 1 linear metre of shelf space which is worth around £50 a week in extra profits if used for other high margin products.


Saves Money

Time taken to serve customers is reduced, avoids queues, accurate serving with no mistakes, end of laborious and time consuming stock control and stock counting, stops shrinkage, prevents robbery, enables staff to be vigilant and not have to turn back on customers, free up retail space, enables additional dynamic POS, you take control of what you sell, reduce unprofitable stockholdings, find space for more profitable items in a safe location…..all these and more are all enabled by a smart tobacco gantry. To find out how much you can save, just fill in the coloured section on the savings spreadsheet. ( attach savings spreadsheet)