Designed to meet the needs of medium sized shops to be compliant with tobacco merchandise legislation and remain future proof.

Enables the retailer to handle plain packaged cigarettes with speed and ease.

Tobacco is locked away in a steel box and selection is via a touchscreen keypad or your EPOS till point. Instant selection means quick transactions and your tobacco is hidden from view and safe from theft. Full accountability coupled with speed and ease of service is key.

The space you save with this unit means your usual gantry space can be used for high profit products which can be merchandised on the front panels..

This unit can handle all boxed tobacco and pouch RYO tobacco.

Key Features

  • 84 packet and 13 Pouch SKU/range
  • Up to 1332 packet capacity
  • Provides additional merchandise space on slat board panels
  • 2150 mm H x 1200 mm W x 420 mm D
  • Multiple till applications
  • Connection to EPOS

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